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首頁/ 民航資訊/ 中轉航班沒有無陪兒童機票嗎?


民航新聞 02月15日 09:15 閱讀26

1. 無陪兒童機票的基本規定 

無陪兒童機票(Unaccompanied Minor Service)是航空公司為5歲至12歲單獨乘機的兒童提供的一項特殊服務。從值機、安檢到登機、落地,全程都有工作人員陪伴和照顧,確保孩子的安全與舒適。 

服務內容: 專人協助辦理值機和安檢手續。 登機時優先安排,并由空乘人員特別關照。 落地后,將孩子安全交給接機人。 

適用條件: 孩子年齡必須在5歲至12歲之間(部分航空公司放寬至4歲-17歲)。 僅限直飛航班,中轉航班通常不提供此項服務。 

2. 為什么中轉航班不提供無陪兒童機票?



突發情況多:航班延誤、取消或行李問題在中轉航班中更為常見,可能導致孩子滯留機場。 責任劃分難:中轉涉及兩家或多家航空公司,責任劃分不明確,可能影響孩子的照顧質量。 

3. 如果孩子需要乘坐中轉航班,怎么辦?


分段購買無陪服務 如果中轉航班由同一家航空公司執飛,可以嘗試聯系航空公司客服,詢問是否可以為每個航段單獨購買無陪服務。 

4. 如何訂購無陪兒童機票? 

步驟1:確認航班 選擇適合的直飛航班,并確認該航班提供無陪兒童服務。 

步驟2:聯系航空公司或購票平臺 撥打航空公司客服電話,或通過購票平臺的“無陪票專區”提交申請。 

步驟3:填寫申請表格 提供孩子的身份信息、接送人信息以及特殊需求(如飲食偏好)。 

步驟4:支付費用 無陪兒童服務通常需要額外支付費用,具體金額因航空公司而異。 

步驟5:準備相關材料 確保孩子攜帶有效身份證件(如戶口本或出生證明),并提前到達機場辦理手續。

5. 小貼士:如何讓孩子獨自乘機更順利? 




6. 總結 


1. Basic Regulations for Unaccompanied Minor Tickets Unaccompanied Minor Service is a special provided by airlines for children aged 5 to 12 who are traveling alone. From check-in, security check to boarding and arrival, staff members will accompany and care of the children to ensure their safety and comfort. 

Service content: A dedicated person will assist in handling check-in and security check procedures. Boarding priority is given and special care is provided by flight attendants. After arrival, the child will be safely handed over to the person picking them up. 

Eligibility: The child be between the ages of 5 and 12 (some airlines allow ages 4 to 17). This service is only available for direct flights, and flights usually do not provide this service. 

2. Why don't transfer flights offer unaccompanied minor tickets? 

Transfer flights involve multiple segments and airports, which can increase risk of travel for children. The main reasons are: Complicated process: Transfer flights require changing planes and even terminals, increasing the risk of the child getting lost or. Many emergencies: Flight delays, cancellations, and baggage issues are more common in transfer flights, which may lead to the child being stranded in the airport. icult to assign responsibility: Transfer involves two or more airlines, and the division of responsibility is not clear, which may affect the quality of care for the child.

3 What to do if a child needs to take a transfer flight?

If a child must take a transfer flight and cannot be accompanied by an adult, consider the following alternativesPurchase unaccompanied service in segments If the transfer flight is operated by the same airline, you can try to contact the airline's customer service to inquire if it is to purchase unaccompanied service for each segment separately. 

4. How to book an unaccompanied minor ticket?  

Step 1: Confirm the flight Select a suitable flight and confirm that the flight provides unaccompanied minor service. 

Step 2: Contact the airline or ticket booking platform Call the airline's customer service number or submit application through the "Unaccompanied Ticket Zone" of the ticket booking platform. 

Step 3: Fill out the application form Provide the child's identity information, pick and drop-off information, and special needs (such as dietary preferences). 

Step 4: Pay the fee Unaccompanied minor service usually requires an additional fee, and specific amount varies by airline. 

Step 5: Prepare relevant documents Ensure that the child carries a valid identity document (such as a household register or birth certificate) and at the airport in advance to handle the procedures. 

5. Tips: How to make a child's solo flight more smooth? 

Communicate in advance: Tell the child the process and precautions of flying to reduce their nervousness. Prepare necessities: Prepare snacks, water, books, or toys for the child to help them pass the time the flight. Stay in touch: Ensure that the contact information of the pick-up and drop-off person is accurate and keep an eye on the flight status. 

6. Unaccompanied minor tickets provide safety assurance for children traveling alone, but this service is currently only available for direct flights. If a child needs to take a transfer, it is recommended to choose adult accompaniment or other alternatives. No matter which method is chosen, advance planning and understanding of relevant policies can make the child's more smooth and safe! I hope the above content can provide you with practical help!