一般是5 - 12周歲,有些航司放寬至14周歲。購票前要查閱具體航司規定,確認孩子符合條件。
1- 提前申請:至少提前3天,部分航司要求更早,致我們的客服或到機場申請。告知出行信息、孩子信息及接送人信息。
2- 填寫申請表:按航司要求填寫申請表,包含孩子姓名、年齡、聯系方式,接送人姓名、電話、地址等。確保信息準確。
3- 支付票款:申請表審核通過后,支付機票費用及無成人陪伴兒童服務費用,各航司收費標準不同。
1- 資料準備:準備好孩子的有效身份證件,如身份證、戶口本等,出行當天隨身攜帶。
2- 接送安排:務必與接送人做好溝通,確保接送人在航班到達時能準時接機。 保障孩子獨自飛行順利,每個環節都至關重要。希望以上內容能助您順利為孩子購票。
When a child needs to embark on a flight alone, purchasing an unaccompanied minor ticket requires careful planning. Children under the of 12, and over the age of 5, can travel alone on an airplane, and parents can directly purchase an unaccompanied minor ticket for their. However, if the child is under the age of 5, it is not possible to purchase an unaccompanied minor ticket. Airline Requirements Different airlines different age definitions and processing requirements for unaccompanied minors. It is generally 5 - 12 years old, and some airlines relax the age to 1 years old. It is necessary to check the specific airline regulations before purchasing a ticket to confirm that the child meets the conditions.
Ticket Purchase Process
1- Apply in: At least 3 days in advance, some airlines require even earlier, contact our customer service or apply at the airport. Inform the travel information, child information, pick-up and drop-off information.
2- Fill out the application form: Fill out the application form according to the airline's requirements, including the child's name,, contact information, the name, phone number, and address of the pick-up and drop-off person, etc. Ensure that the information is accurate.
3- Pay ticket price: After the application form is reviewed and approved, pay the ticket price and the service fee for unaccompanied minors, and the charging standards of each airline different.
1- Document preparation: Prepare the child's valid identity documents, such as ID cards, household registration books, etc., and carry them you on the day of travel.
2- Pick-up and drop-off arrangements: Be sure to communicate well with the pick-up and drop-off person to ensure that the-up and drop-off person can pick up the flight on time when the flight arrives. To ensure a smooth flight for a child traveling alone, every link is crucial. hope the above content can help you purchase a ticket for your child smoothly.