在買機票的時候,大人有時候會把自己的機票給買好,但是計劃趕不上變化,過幾天又想給孩子買同一航班的機票,結果發現之前的那個訂單上沒法添加,這個時候怎么辦呢 ?
01 聯系客服 聯系工作人員客服:向客服人員提供兒童信息和成人機票信息,客服人員將協助您完成補訂手續。400-666-2230客服電話。
02 機場柜臺辦理 前往機場柜臺辦理(一般不建議有可能去機場沒有名額):如果您在航班起飛前還有足夠的時間,也可以前往機場的航空公司柜臺直接辦理補訂手續。在柜臺,您需要向工作人員提供兒童信息和成人機票信息,然后支付相應的費用即可完成補訂。
03 購買完成 一旦添加兒童機票的信息被確認,客服會告知你需要支付的所需要的費用,并告知如何支付這筆費用。一般情況下,兒童機票需要付額外的服務費和稅費,費用差異也會因航班和航線而異。 兒童機票添加成功后,你可以查詢兒童機票的座位信息。如果需要為兒童選擇特殊的座位,比如挨著成年人的位置或是在靠窗的位置等,則需要提前告知客服人員進行安排。 另外,根據航空公司的要求,兒童機票還需要提供兒童的身份證明文件,如護照或身份證、戶口本等證件。因此,在購買兒童機票前,請確保你已經準備好相關證件。
以上就是補訂一張兒童機票怎么操作? 如果在線操作不了,或者你不確定怎么弄,那就直接電話聯系人工客服,這樣更省事哦。
When purchasing an air ticket, sometimes adults buy their own tickets first, but due to changes in plans, they want buy tickets for their children on the same flight a few days later. However, they find that they cannot add the child to the previous order. What should they in this situation?
01 Contact Customer Service: Provide the child's information and the adult's ticket information to the customer service staff, who will assist you in the additional booking procedures. The customer service phone number is 400-666-2230.
02 Airport Counter Processing (not as there might be no available seats): If you have enough time before the flight takes off, you can also go to the airline's counter at the airport to process the additional booking. At the counter, you need to provide the child's information and the adult's ticket information, and then pay the corresponding fees to complete booking.
03 Completion of Purchase: Once the information for the child's ticket has been confirmed, the customer service will inform you of the fees you need to and how to make the payment. In most cases, child tickets require additional service fees and taxes, which can vary depending on the flight and route. After successfully the child's ticket, you can check the seating information for the child's ticket. If you need to choose a special seat for the child, such as next the adult or by the window, you should inform the customer service staff in advance. Additionally, according to the airline's requirements, you may need to provide identification for the child, such as a passport or ID card, household registration book, etc. Therefore, before purchasing a child's ticket, please make sure you have necessary documents ready.
The above is how to operate an additional booking for a child's ticket. If you can't operate it online or are unsure how to proceed you can directly contact customer service by phone, which is more convenient.