01 退票時間一般來說,退票時間越接近航班起飛時間,手續費越高。例如,飛機起飛前7天以上退票,手續費可能在5%到30%之間;起飛前48小時到7天退票,手續費可能在5%到40%之間;起飛前4小時到48小時退票,手續費可能在5%到70%之間;飛機起飛后退票,手續費可能在10%到90%之間。
02 機票艙位等級機票的艙位等級也會影響手續費的多少。通常情況下,艙位等級越低(如經濟艙),退票手續費可能會更高,有個別特價票不可退票。
03 航空公司規定不同的航空公司有不同的退票規定。例如,中國東方航空公司的頭等艙、經濟艙全價票退票費為票價的5%,而3折機票則不得退票。海南航空公司的頭等艙、經濟艙全價票退票費為票價的5%,不分起飛前后。南方航空公司的頭等艙、經濟艙全價票可免費退票,而4.5-4折機票的退票費為票價的50%。
Will service fees be deducted if I want to cancel my ticket after payment but before the ticket is issued?
In general, service fees will not deducted in this situation, and the full amount will be refunded later. However, if the ticket has already been issued during the cancellation process, a cancellation fee may to be charged according to the ticket's modification and cancellation rules. The specific cancellation fee may vary depending on the airline's regulations.
There are many channels for purchasing flight tickets nowadays. Before buying a ticket, you can compare prices on different software. Also, sure to check the refund and change fee policies when purchasing. Some airlines might offer discounts on these fees, but for a full refund, you need to refer to specific airline's policy.
01 Refund Time: Generally, the closer the refund time is to the flight departure time, the higher the handling fee. For, if you refund the ticket more than 7 days before the flight, the fee might be between 5% to 30% of the ticket price If you refund the ticket between 48 hours to 7 days before the flight, the fee might be between 5% to 40%. If refund the ticket between 4 hours to 48 hours before the flight, the fee might be between 5% to 70%. If you refund ticket after the flight has departed, the fee might be between 10% to 90%.
02 Ticket Class: The class of the ticket can also affect the amount of the handling fee. Usually, the lower the class (like economy class), the higher the refund fee might be. Some special discount tickets are nonundable.
03 Airline Policies: Different airlines have different refund policies. For example, China Eastern Airlines charges a 5% refund fee for first-class economy-class full-price tickets, but tickets with a 30% discount are non-refundable. Hainan Airlines charges a 5% refund fee first-class and economy-class full-price tickets, regardless of the flight time. Southern Airlines allows free refunds for first-class and economy-class full-price tickets, but tickets a 4.5-40% discount have a 50% refund fee.
In summary, the fee for refunding an airplane ticket will vary depending on the factors mentioned above. If you need specific information on the refund, it is recommended to directly consult the airline you purchased the ticket from or check the latest airline policies.
If the flight is canceled due to weather conditions before the takes off, the system will automatically refund the full amount you paid for the ticket. However, if you need to cancel the ticket due to personal reasons, the will charge you a cancellation fee, and it is rare to get a full refund.