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首頁/ 民航資訊/ 乘坐飛機攜帶電子產品,這些規定你得知道!


民航新聞 11月05日 09:24 閱讀203




依據中華人民共和國民用航空行業標準《鋰電池航空運輸規范》(MH/T1020 - 2009)和《旅客和機組關于攜帶危險品的航空運輸規范》(MH/T1030 - 2010)等相關法規文件,大家在攜帶鋰離子電池乘坐民用航空器時,要特別留意以下這些事項哦。








1. 放置位置:它們既可以放置在托運行李中,也能放在隨身行李里攜帶哦。

2. 防意外啟動措施:一定要有防止意外啟動的措施呀,不然在行李運輸過程中萬一啟動了可能會引發一些不必要的麻煩呢。

3. 額定能量限制:鋰離子電池額定能量不應超過100Wh哦。要是額定能量在100Wh(不含)至160Wh(含)的隨設備鋰離子電池,那還得經過運營人(也就是航空公司)批準才行呢。





1. 放置位置:只能放置在隨身行李中攜帶哦,可不能放在托運行李里呢。

2. 保護措施:要單個做好保護以防短路呀。比如說可以將備用電池放置于原廠零售包裝中,或者對電極進行絕緣處理哦,像把暴露的電極用膠布粘住,或者將電池單獨裝在塑料帶或保護袋中都是不錯的辦法呢。

3. 額定能量限制:單個鋰離子電池額定能量同樣不應超過100Wh哦。不過呢,要是經過運營人(航空公司)批準,是可以攜帶額定能量在100Wh(不含)至160Wh(含)的備用鋰離子電池的,但最多不能超過2塊哦。



Carrying electronic products on a plane, Hey, frequent flyers, have you ever wondered if there a limit to the number of electronic products you can carry on a plane? Today, I will give you a detailed explanation. 

Currently, there is no specific limit the number of electronic devices you can carry. However, there are quite a few regulations regarding electronic devices containing lithium-ion batteries. According to the Civil Aviation Industry Standard the People's Republic of China "Lithium-ion Battery Air Transport Specification" (MH/T1020 - 2009) and "enger and Crew Air Transport Specification for Carrying Dangerous Goods" (MH/T1030 - 2010), here are the things you need pay attention to when carrying lithium-ion batteries on a civil aircraft. 

1. Rated energy limit of lithium-ion batteries The rated energy of the lithium-ion batteries you is limited. It must not exceed 160Wh. If it exceeds 160Wh, you will need to transport it as dangerous goods. is a very important point to remember. 

2. Rules for carrying devices containing lithium-ion batteries For commonly used devices such as laptops, cameras, and portable video that contain lithium-ion batteries, here are the rules for carrying them:

a. Placement: They can be placed in either checked luggage or carry-on luggage. 

b Prevent accidental startup: You must have measures to prevent accidental startup. This is to avoid any unnecessary trouble during the luggage transport process. 

c. Rated energy limit: rated energy of the lithium-ion battery should not exceed 100Wh. If the rated energy is between 100Wh (excluding) and 10Wh (including), you will need the approval of the operator (airline). 

3. Rules for carrying spare lithium-ion batteries There are also many requirements carrying spare lithium-ion batteries: a. Placement: They can only be placed in carry-on luggage, not in checked luggage. b. Protective measures:

Each battery be protected to prevent short circuits. For example, you can place the spare batteries in their original retail packaging, or insulate the electrodes, such as covering the electrodes with tape, or placing the batteries in plastic bags or protective bags. c. Rated energy limit: The rated energy of a single lithium-ion battery should not 100Wh. However, with the approval of the operator (airline), you can carry spare lithium-ion batteries with a rated energy between 10Wh (excluding) and 160Wh (including), but no more than 2. 

So, next time you fly, you should check these to organize the electronic products and lithium-ion batteries you want to carry. This will ensure a smooth trip and comply with the safety requirements of air transport